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Covid-19 Information



National advice and guidance


Visit for the current situation in the UK and information about the virus and its symptoms.

We are aware of the level of concern about the risks from coronavirus and we are liaising with Public Health England (PHE) and the NHS, and closely following official advice.

The School is committed to informing our School’s community if there are any positive cases in the future, in partnership with the relevant authorities.


The health and safety of our staff, students and visitors are our top priority!


Anyone concerned about their health in relation to coronavirus should follow PHE guidance and contact NHS 111 if the guidance advises them to do so.

The information below aims to offer you advice and guidance and is based on the current guidance issued by Public Health England (PHE).

The situation is subject to change and we are monitoring the guidance regularly to ensure that our arrangements remain consistent with expert advice. If this guidance changes then we will update our advice accordingly.

If you have any specific questions that are not answered below, please email the Head of LHMA – or



School advice and guidance


What are the symptoms?

Based on current evidence, novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) presents with flu-like symptoms including a fever, a cough, or difficulty breathing. The current evidence is that most cases appear to be mild.


What is the risk?

PHE advice has increased the national risk from low to moderate but the risk to individuals remains low. There is a greater risk of complications in people who have a pre-existing long-term health condition.


What steps can I take to protect myself?

There are three simple actions we must all do to keep on protecting each other

  • Wash hands - keep washing your hands regularly

  • Cover face - wear a face covering in enclosed spaces

  • Make space - stay at least 2 metres apart – or 1 metre with a face covering or other precautions


If you have any immediate health concerns, please contact NHS 111.


If I’ve been advised to self-isolate?

  • STAFF - If you have been advised by NHS 111 or Public Health England to self-isolate, but are feeling well and able to work from home, you will be encouraged to do so.

  • STUDENTS - If a student is asked to self-isolate, he/she will be able to have their lessons via Skype, Zoom or Microsoft Teams.


Is the School open as normal? The School is open as normal.


Should I wear a face mask? We do require to wear mask in public areas such as Reception and Corridors. Masks are optional in classrooms.


What action is the School taking?

We have followed all PHE advice and guidance and are communicating regularly with our staff and students, ensuring that our Risk Assessment is followed at all times.

We have reviewed cleaning arrangements, are using anti-viral products for hard surfaces, ensuring soap and hand sanitizer dispensers are well stocked and reminding people to observe good hand hygiene.

We are monitoring the situation closely and we continue to provide as much advice, care and support as we can to everyone.

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